The Super Bowl Weekend Begins

Well this is it, 2 more days and the game is here. I’ve spent the past few days trying to decide if I wanted to go healthy or do the regular BBQ pig out routine. It looks like tradition won out, so I’m going to dine out on bad food and beer. Then I’ll make a promise to myself that I won’t do it again. This will be the first day of a new beginning that will have me doing what’s right to change my direction in life. Sounds like a plan, yeah sounds like a plan.

A few minutes ago I just got back from buying my supplies so now it’s on

I honestly have no idea how we are going to do in this game. Being a Falcon Fan since their inception, I hope for the best and sometimes expect the worst. I feel like we have the better team, but in my mind our history is hard to over come, but I want so badly to be surprised.   Go Falcons

February Already

Damn it’s February already, seems like only yesterday I was welcoming in the new year. I must admit things are going well. My house and life are still a wreck, but working my personal blog is keeping me on track better than normal. It seems that I always have a to do list that never gets done, but here lately I’m starting to slowly get this life under control.


Guitar Compressors

As I said in an early post I was looking at guitar compressors pedals and from doing a quick search it seems that the Dunlop Dyna Comp and the Boss CS-3 Compressors are among the top pedals available, so I have a picture of both listed below. My initial question was what was best for recording into a DAW and I concluded it was best to bring a raw signal into Cubase (my DAW ) then compress it from there. When I get ready for a pedal, I’ll probably go with the Dunlap, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. 🙂

How about some Ghetto Teriyaki Chicken

I’m just a older Kat trying to raise a young son and the biggest problem I’ve almost from the beginning was coming up with quick meals that were cheap and tasty, with healthy not always being at the forefront. I’m always scouring the internet cooking websites for recipes, and I came across and tried the “Ghetto Teriyaki Chicken” from the PhillyboyJayCooKiNgShow Youtube Channel. PBJ has 2 channels and what I like about his recipes is most of the ingredients are stuff that you have right in your kitchen already. He is in the process of updating his channels so he may go more upscale, but for now he has a good thing going, for me.

Just a note, I was preparing my chicken thighs just as instructed in the video, seasoning both sides of the chicken thighs and cooking on each side for 6-7 minutes. So I tested the meat before adding the Teriyaki and Honey and damn the meat was already tasty. So BAM now I have another way of making Chicken Thighs, just add some vegetables and I have a meal. 🙂

Eight Bud Lights and a Mini Bottle of Hennessy

OK this is Super Bowl week, 7 days to go. I intend to get semi inebriated, also known as drunk. 🙁
That means I am going to exercise at least 5 of the next 7 days in preparation of what this will do to my body.
This is not the 80’s when I could get plastered and get up the next day like nothing happened. I’m going to be fucked messed up for at least 3 days following the Super Bowl, WIN or Lose.

Plus I’m going to fire up a Slab of Ribs, Chicken wings and maybe some link sausages. Everything I need to take at least a few days off my life. So if my last day was going to be on a Friday, I might meet my maker on a Wednesday. DAMN

Do I need a Guitar Compressor

When I bought my guitar back in maybe 2013, I asked another guitar player what 2 pedals would you recommend I get. He said a Wah-wah pedal and a Compressor. Well being an old head I know what a Wah wah pedal is, hell I remember the theme from Shaft. What I did not truly understand is what the hell is a compressor. Well what a compressor does is eliminates the extreme highs and extreme lows, kind of keeps your sound even. It’s a little more detailed, but that’s the idea.

Now although I’ve had an Electric Guitar for years, I very seldom play it. I love the sound of an Acoustic Guitar. Maybe it’s because I have always had an Acoustic. My first Acoustic was a Takamine F-349 Dreadnought. I loved that guitar. Took it with me everywhere I went for years, but that’s another story.

Since my goal is to start recording songs I’ve started playing my Electric Guitar and I can now see why a compressor would be necessary. So the question I asked my self is (A) should I compress the sound using a pedal and send that signal into the DAW, or (B) should I send a raw signal into the DAW and then compress it using the DAW’s on board compressor (Cubase in my case).

After doing my research, I think the answer is to send the guitar signal from your Audio Interface into the DAW and then compress it. I’ll drop a few Youtube videos in my next post that will talk about this in further detail. 🙂